Client Stories

Elayna's Family
Elayna graduated from Monarch School in April 2018, and she is doing great!

Ben’s Family
Not only has Ben learned and grown – he has felt loved and important, and for that we are forever grateful...

Morgan’s Family
Many thanks to the whole team for a great year at Monarch Transition Education Program for Miss Morgan (and me!)...

Empathetic and Extraordinary Team
Thank you all for the work, effort, time, respect, and love you show my son every day...

Aidan’s Family
When Aidan was younger, we were routinely faced with new curve balls. He stopped sleeping, stopped talking, and started nonstop flapping, chewing and jumping...
Praise for Monarch's Unsung Heros
I’ve noted in the past, but it cannot be repeated enough that whenever I leave a meeting at Monarch, I leave knowing for certain that my child is in the right hands...